Stone | Refractive Index | Specific Gravity | Hardness | Toughness | Enhancements | Enhancement Frequency | Enhancement Stability | Care Tip | Birthstone Month | Anniversary Year |
Garnet - Almandite | 1.72-1.875 | 3.3-4.18 | 7-7.5 | Fair to Good | None Known | N/A | N/A | Avoid abrupt temperature changes and do not use ultrasonic or steam to clean | January | 2nd |
Anniversary Year(s):
Birthstone Month:
Care Tips:
Avoid abrupt temperature changes and do not use ultrasonic or steam to clean
Enhancement Stability:
Enhancement Frequency:
None Known
Fair to Good
Specific Gravity:
Refractive Index:
Almandine, also called almandite, garnet has a lengthy history, tracing its beginnings as an adornment to ancient Egypt. Also prized by the Romans, garnet's name is actually derived from the ancient Greek word "granatum" meaning seeds due to its appearance similar to that of pomegranate arils. This ancient gem is still very popular and is currently mined in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, and the United States. Almandine is available in a range of dark red hues from rich red to deep wine to a warm rusty red. For those preferring a phenomenal gem, there are star garnets, which are almandine garnets exhibiting a four-ray star. Garnet, of all types, is the birthstone for January and is designated for the 2nd wedding anniversary