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Stone | Refractive Index | Specific Gravity | Hardness | Toughness | Enhancements | Enhancement Frequency | Enhancement Stability | Care Tip | Birthstone Month | Anniversary Year |
Blue Zircon | High - 1.925-1.984 (+/- 0.04)
Med - 1.875-1.905 (+/- 0.03) | 3.90-4.73 | 7.5 | Poor to Fair | Heated to change browns to blues | Always | Good | Avoid rough handling and be careful not to clean with steam or ultrasonic | December | 10th |
Anniversary Year(s):
Birthstone Month:
Care Tips:
Avoid rough handling and be careful not to clean with steam or ultrasonic
Enhancement Stability:
Enhancement Frequency:
Heated to change browns to blues
Poor to Fair
Specific Gravity:
High - 1.925-1.984 (+/- 0.04)
Med - 1.875-1.905 (+/- 0.03)
Refractive Index:
This brilliant blue gemstone has a lovely greenish blue hue that ranges from pastel to vivid and is reminiscent of sparkling lagoon waters. Blue zircon was thought to promote riches, honor and wisdom in the Middle Ages and was quite popular in Victorian jewelry. Today, blue zircon is the traditional birthstone for December. Blue zircons are found in Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka as well as Brazil and Africa.
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