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Stone | Refractive Index | Specific Gravity | Hardness | Toughness | Enhancements | Enhancement Frequency | Enhancement Stability | Care Tip | Birthstone Month | Anniversary Year |
Blue Topaz | 1.619-1.627 (+/- 0.01) | 3.53 (+/- 0.04) | 8 | Poor | Blue Topaz is irradiated and heated to produce color | Always | Excellent | Although hard, Topaz is relatively fragile. Be sure to handle with care. Ultrasonic and steam cleaning should be avoided. | November | 4th |
Anniversary Year(s):
Birthstone Month:
Care Tips:
Although hard, Topaz is relatively fragile. Be sure to handle with care. Ultrasonic and steam cleaning should be avoided.
Enhancement Stability:
Enhancement Frequency:
Blue Topaz is irradiated and heated to produce color
Specific Gravity:
3.53 (+/- 0.04)
1.619-1.627 (+/- 0.01)
Refractive Index:
Blue topaz, as it occurs in nature, is quite pale in color and very rare. The incredible range of blues seen in the market today have all been produced by irradiation and heating of colorless topaz. This process is stable and the color is permanent. The three most poplular shades are known as:
Sky – light blue reminiscent of aquamarine
Swiss – vivid medium blue
London – deep intense blue
Blue topaz is one of the birthstones for December and is designated for the 4th wedding anniversary.
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